Language Implementation Agency of RNM

About the office

The Language Implementation Agency is established on March 13th, 2019 after adoption of the Law on the Use of Languages.

The mandate and the role of the Agency are sancitoned in the Article 19 of the Law on the Use of Languages:

Law on the Use of Languages originates from the Ohrid Framework Agreement signed on August 13th, 2001.

Key Information on the Language Situation in this Country/Region

The official language in North Macedonia is Macedonian language and its cyrilic alphabet.

Another official language in North macedonia is the language that is spoken by at least 20% of the citizens of North Macedonia (Albanian language) and its alphabet, as determined with the Law on the Use of Languages.

Turkish language has also the status of official language in three municipalities.

Roma language has the status of official language in one municipality. 

Education process in North Macedonia is conducted in several languages, like:

It is mandatory for Turks, Serbians, Albanians to learn the Macedonian language, however Macedonians are not oblied to learn the language of other minorities.

Pupils are obliged to learn few foreign languages as well, like: English, French, German or Italian.



Country / Region

North Macedonia

Name of Office

Language Implementation Agency of RNM 
